They sent us a copy of the rough draft of the poster they are going to use from the photo shoot last week. Evan is second from left and I couldn't help but laugh when I opened up the attachment - it's hard to take a good picture of one 3 yr. old, besides four. They did good.
We are getting ready for the 2nd Annual AHA Team Brave Hearts Golf Scramble and the planning is just beginning. The scramble will be on August 12th and the walk is on August 25th. The next few months will be very busy but, I find great fulfillment in being a part of this wonderful team and for the lifelong friendships we have made. More to come on that.
No word from Dr. McOmber as to when Dr. Recto's team will be available for the cath. - I'm sure we will hear soon. Sometimes the waiting is hard but sometimes getting a date is hard too - if that makes sense. The unknown is stressful but, when there is a date there is always worry to fill the spot. I've always been an extremely anxious person (probably an understatement) and for the 1st time in my life I'm seeking help to get ahold of that. I'm trying really hard.... I do NOT want to waste life away worrying. It's really hard for me. Maybe I'll go into more details at a later date but, just say a prayer for me.
Please send your golf scramble information to contact@clickitforthecure.com and I will post to www.clickitforthecure.com Thanks
He looks adorable!
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