Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tourist Guide from KY

My brother just got back from his 2 week vacation. Evan was so scared that his Munc was going to be attacked by pirates. It didn't help that Evan got the Disney Pirate playhouse ship for Easter. Munc you were the source of much playtime - rescuing you all from pirates! We had to tell Evan over and over that pirates were not in the Carribean - Mom too LOL. My brother called me when they were docking in San Juan and I googled where they were. I kept seeing this restaurant called "Barrachina" in all my searches. I told him about it and that it said it was the birthplace of the Pina Colada. They called me back and asked me to get them directions so I was looking at maps and directions from google to Barrachina. I told them when they got there to take pictures. I Love this one of you Munc! They told the waiter they had a tourist guide from Kentucky give them directions! Oh how I wish I was in San Juan sipping a Pina Colada instead of at work today!

1 comment:

The Portas said...

ME TOO!! What I would do to be there with a pina colada in hand...

Evan is so funny, worrying about his uncle. :) I love it.