Friday, March 26, 2010


I've been so emotional and so thankful for my relationship with God to be there when I cry out to him. On Monday, the 15th I got a call at work that my Dad was having chest pain and was being taken to the local ER. My Mom told me to stay at work - that she would call when they got there. I remembered that they were running an errand for me and wanted to call her back to let her know that I would take care of it, not to worry. When I called she said she felt my Dad was worse than he had let on and that I should come. At the ER his blood enzymes were elevated so they admitted him and scheduled a stress test that was cancelled and a cath that was done the next day. The cath revealed 5 blockages. Open heart surgery was done on Fri., the 19th where a triple bypass was successful. Something cool - Evan's surgeon trained my Dad's surgeon. You would think after all I've seen with Evan this would be cake but... it's hard to see your Dad on the vent, restrained and confused. He is doing awesome - in true Dad fashion he went out to pick flowers yesterday - 6 days post op. He is driving my Mom crazy - my brother and I too. But, we wouldn't want it any other way.
Say a prayer for me and this weekend - after reading some of Kathy's post I don't think it's so bad after all.
I'm picking Evan up from school today
going to my parents to cut my Dad's hair and borrow some crystal
stopping at Kohls on the way home for David's 60th bday present
picking up the house
eating dinner
taking shot
tomorrow - get up and clean big time
Evan's batting practice
grocery big time
Evan's Tae Kwon Do exhibition
David's 60th bday party
Sun. - getting house decorated
preparing and setting up dinner
Eric's Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary celebration AT MY HOUSE!!!


The Portas said...

Oh wow, that is a lot to handle, my friend. I am so glad surgery went well and that your dad is doing ok. You have a lot on your plate, so I hope you are doing ok, too. I'll send some peace prayers your way. xoxo

Kathy said...

you're FAR busier than me...
I just have a flare for drawing my details out and making it look like far more than it really is.
Gosh...I bet your dad is driving you bonkers! I'm glad that he's feeling better enough to pick cute!
How are you feeling?
Don't do too much mama!

Heart hugs,