Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I only do it once a week

We talked to Kayla's Nanny, my sil, last night and she had 2 Feberal seizures (fever seizures) caused by high sudden spike in fever. The Dr. said she will outgrow them and they can rule out all other types of seizures and neurological problems. So, although it is something they will have to watch and they have medicine to give her to stop them if she has another one, it sounded like the Dr. was confident that she will outgrow this and that there will not be any other side effect problems.

Evan has been a real funny one lately - telling jokes and making comments - he thinks they are hilarious and sometimes they are (and sometimes they aren't.) I picked him up from school the other day and one of the helpers said she took Evan to the potty and he needed to poo-poo. She asked if he needed help, which he replied no. She waited outside the bathroom for him and when he was done he came out with his jeans still fastened and pulled down to his knees. She told him that it is a LOT easier to undo them and that she would help him next time and then they would fasten them back when he was done. Evan told her, "It's not worth it, I only do this once a week."


Kathy said...

That IS funny!
Poor little thing! Once a week...oh my!
Thanks for sharing such a story.
I love the things that can some out of these little guys' mouths!

Erika said...

Bwhahahaha. That is TOO CUTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol! That is so funny :-)