Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Portraits

Finally got Evan's Christmas pic's back. The 3 yr. old fake smile was in almost every picture but the two above were more "Evan" than the fake smile ones. Evan has been sick since Mon. with what started as a cough and now is accompanied with a fever. He went to the doctor yesterday and they said he had an upper respiratory infection and put him on an antibiotic and cough medicine. It was wierd last night he went into a coughing fit after I gave him the cough medicine - Argh! He was up and down most of the night coughing and wanting to be held. Say a prayer that he feels better by the weekend so he doesn't miss out on some Christmas parties!


Michael said...

I am sorry to hear Evan isn't feeling well. I hope he is better soon.

Krystal said...

These pics are absolutely adorable!!! The 3 yr old fake smile has hit us a little early, b/c Brayden only has a huge cheesy grin now -- no "real" smiles!

I hope that Evan is feeling better soon. He definitely doesn't need to miss any Christmas parties :)

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet sile. Hope he recovers soon.

Erin said...

Yeah, there's some nasty cough thing going around here - hope he gets over it soon, if it's what we've had, it's yucky!

Gretat pics though, he's SO cute!