Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Wow... I sounded pretty pitiful last week, didn't I? I know things could be worse and I know that God is in control. My sad mood is more that of a Mommy who hurts for what he has been through and has yet to go through. Also I'm sad that Evan completely understands and asks questions and cries. When Evan was little and we received news like this we could go in another room and cry and pick ourselves up and put on a smile for him. Now he understands and is crying and you can't leave him to grieve over the news yourself because he needs to let it out too. As Sophia's parents reminded me - this is his heart condition. Although I grieve at what he has to endure I have to help him learn how to emotionally deal with the issues that go along with his CHD.
I did call the cardio on Fri. to clarify some of the information. He said that Evan's pressures had doubled in 3 months. That he believes this is due to a huge growth spurt since his surgery. He said that they hope this doesn't happen right after a homograft but there is no way to prevent it. He has gained 10 lbs. and 2 inches in height since his surgery. His said the narrowing isn't in the homograft but lower at where it connected. He said he is unsure if it can be stented or not but the only way to tell is to cath him. He said that a month would tell us if it was a growth spurt and is going to level off or if there is another issue and the pressure will continue to get higher. I asked what would happen if they couldn't stent it and he said another surgery. I like to know as much as possible and am so thankful for a Dr. that is willing to be available to answer this Mommy's questions.

Evan has seemed to be over being upset about the news and asked us to "make things special." I believe he means to move on and we agree that we need to. What we learned last Thur. doesn't change the fact that Evan is doing wonderful and we should stop wasting time crying and worrying. We cried and talked whenever he wanted to although after Fri. he seemed much less upset. We had a wonderful long weekend and made the simple things "special."


Kathy said...

He's such a special little man.
He just seems like an old wise soul...
Keep it special...i love it!

The Portas said...

Not pitiful at all! It's easy to get consumed with fear, worry, etc. You are only human!

I'm glad you got some clarity by talking to your card. That always helps me, too.

Hugs to all of you! Have a nice weekend. xo