Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pic's of Evan Post Cath.

Just thought I would post some pictures of Evan from the cath. and give a more rested update. As said before they were able to stent the left pulmonary artery. This was such a major success, the doctors were all thrilled with the outcome of the cath. During the cath. they noticed that his valve is leaking more than expected, the ring holding his valve had to be cut during his first surgery to relieve it which caused a leaky valve. They said the right side of his heart is still enlarged and the two reasons for that were 1.) The left pulmonary artery stenosis, which they relieved and 2.) the leaky valve. They hoped that with being able to stent the left pulmonary artery and putting Evan back on Digoxin they could put off needing a valve replacement as long as possible. They could not give us any time range other than it could be 1 yr. or it could be 10 yrs. and the longer the better. It all kinda depends on how much the stent and Digoxin helps relieve the right side of his heart. We were told that we need to start treating Evan like a normal little boy so that when the time comes we will see signs of tiredness etc. This is exciting and new for us, we have always been under such restrictions and I'm going to have to work really hard to not worry so much. Michael (see Sophia's link to the right) posted a special reminder the other day to, in short, "make room for joy." Pray for Sophia as her cath. did not go so well and they are facing more surgery in the near future.

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