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Well the team photo this year was interesting, but turned out really good. It is really hard to get 5 kids to sit and smile at the same time when they are all under the age of 2 1/2 yrs old. The lady took about 30 pictures and we picked the very first one she took since it was one of the only ones that at least everyone was sitting, not crying and looking in the general direction of the camera LOL. Evan is at the top left. This weekend was hot and Eric was on call for his work and gone most of the time so, Evan and I braved it and went to an outdoor b-day party and my hair looked like I had dunked it in the pool before the first half hour was over. Evan got in the big pool with my friends husband with only his swimmies on and swam all over by himself! I could not believe it, he kept saying, "Mommy look, look at me, I swimming all by myself!" He didn't much like it when I made him get out but friends hubby said his little heart was beating really hard so it was time for a rest. I'm getting my AHA site together and will post a link sometime this week.
We are finally getting our Heartwalk "Team Bravehearts" together. We are all such procrastinators! So far there are 5 or 6 CHD families that have joined the team and we are all meeting this Fri. to have the kids picture taken together for the flyers and such. AHA has used last years pictures on flyers they send out when someone signs up to walk this year, very exciting! They have also asked for our stories and pictures to post at the entrance to the stadium for the day of the walk (not just us, everyone that is interested.) Also, we have been given permission by AHA to have a Golf Scramble to benefit Team Bravehearts and have been very lucky that our Team Captain lives in a Golf Community where we will be able to host it. The scramble is on Sept. 10th and it will either be a total flop or a total success, we are hoping for success! We have sent out letters for businesses to sponsor a hole or golf cart and then put up flyers for the teams, we'll see what happens.
Most of you that keep up with our blog already know baby Sammy but, for those of you that don't please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he is having his 2nd OHS on Wed. (see blog to right.) Sammy is such a cutie and his mom's blog always makes me smile. I know that support means a lot to CHD families and in hard times it really means so much to know that people are thinking and praying for you. Because of this, myself and a few other local heart mom's that I've become very close to had our very first Mended Little Hearts meeting last night to start a chapter here in Louisville. We will be under Mended Hearts who already has a chapter here until we get established but then will break off into our own group. You have to have 10 members to begin a group and last night we had 4 CHD families show up for the meeting so, I believe we are off to a good start. I'm excited to be a part of this group and get to know these families more and become a support system for new CHD families in our area.
Two year olds, whew what a handful. Evan has been getting a little better controlling his temper lately. I believe that being able to spend a little time every week with other kiddos is helping him. He is still very stingy and bossy. He is always with adults, either Eric & I or my mom & dad and now that he is not on any restrictions and we are able to take him out and about, he was having a real issue with other kids. It was really sad to see him look so out of his element and angry that someone else wanted to play with his toys, or theirs for that matter, he thinks everything is his. In our recent play dates it made me feel like a horrible parent when all I'm doing is saying, "Evan don't take that away, Evan don't hit, Evan don't push, Evan share, Evan be easy." You don't want your kid to be "that kid." So, Eric and I and my parents have been working really hard at trying to get a handle on this and make Evan mind. Some kids you can look at them and they melt and don't do whatever they were acting out at again but Evan, he has such a strong will and nothing seems to work. We tried the naughty mat (Super Nanny idea, I'd like to see her come to my house) and he told me, "Thanks mommy, I like this mat" ARGH!!! He is really spoiled being the only child and only grandchild there is no one for him to have to share with on a daily basis but, we started him in Sunday school about 3 months ago and it really seems to be helping. They claim he is an angel in there and this Sun. we went to a birthday party and there were lots of kids and Evan did really good with sharing and just had a blast, I was so proud of him and felt just like one of the other parents. I'm sure that doesn't really make sense but, in the beginning I was holding on to him for dear life and wouldn't let him out of my sight and then after his surgery I did but like I said was always getting on to him and then this past week I've been able to just watch him blossom and play and just relax more and let him be him. It's funny how we mold our children and my fear of him getting sick or hurt kept him from being a part of things which affected his behavior when kids were allowed to come around and that it took me relaxing and gaining ahold of myself for Evan to be the sweet loving little boy in public that he is in private. So yeah, two year olds what a handful but what a blessing!
Evan's cardio called and scheduled his follow up Ventilation Perfusion Scan for Aug. 11th. They had told us they would do this a few months after the stent implementation to be sure the pressures are more equal now that the stent is in the left pulmonary artery, before the stent, the pressures were right side - 85% and left side - 15%. I know that it is nothing serious but I'm already nervous about the results. I'm wondering how often a stent implementation is done and the pressures don't equal out and why they wouldn't being the arteries are more equal size now. I'm sure this must have happened before or they wouldn't do a Vent. Perf. scan to be sure. If it's not more equal what can they do to make it so? Evan is now 2 1/2 yrs. old and when he was born we were so anxious about his surgery and thought that afterwards he would be "fixed" not totally understanding the lifetime follow ups and other procedures that would be needed to keep him healthy. Makes the Heart Walk a little more special and personal again being that the money raised could make a future procedure less invasive (cath. valve implementation) a possibility for our little miracle. I'm so thankful for my little boy and wish I worried less and enjoyed each moment more. Sorry about not posting any pic's of our little Braveheart lately I keep leaving the digital camera on and running the $15.00 battery down and haven't broke down and told hubby that I've done it again (wouldn't be a big deal except that this is probably the 4th time I've done this.) We took him to ride on Thomas the Tank Engine this weekend, it stops in Bardstown once a year, I'll just say we'll never do that again, thousands of screaming kids in the hot humid Kentucky weather, ick! Definately not worth the bucks it took for the 25 min. ride.
Today is my mom's birthday and I want to post what an amazing women she is but, before I do I would like for all reading this to say a prayer for Sophia (see blog to the right) and her family as she is having another open heart surgery today.My mom did not work but stayed home and was always there when any of us needed her. For me it was running me to school, church, choir practice (I was at one time involved with 3 choirs), being camp cook and many other activities. She gave everything to her family and thought of us above herself always. She was always late, but always there. She is the type of person who cannot go to the grocery once a week but finds a few things she needs to run and pick up every few days, her out I suppose. She always stayed up when I was a teenager and dating until I returned home and was someone I could never lie to, she could look at me and I would break down and tell the truth, even if it meant I would be in trouble. When I finished college and was still working part time we enjoyed walking together in the mornings and I was sad when I got a fulltime job thinking our time together would be less and less. When I became pregnant with Evan she was turning 60 and told me she would keep the baby for me at least a few days a week. She was by my side during the labor and was the one who helped me check out and took me to the childrens hospital to be by his side. She took turns coming back to see her new grandson and only grandbaby and spend the rest of the time in the waiting room to see if there was anything she could do for us and praying. Eric and I would leave the hospital around midnight and found comfort in my parent's home and returned each morning at 6:00. After Evan's condition was found and all the restrictions were given my mom came and spent most of 2 months at my home helping me to remain calm and enjoy my new baby. She learned all the signs of distress and listened intently after every doctors appointment to what the doctors plans were and how to be the best caregiver to Evan as she now agreed that when I returned to work she would keep Evan all week. What a blessing that has been to not have to put Evan in daycare and to be able to know that he is minutes from my work with my mom. During Evan's surgery and heart cath's she has been there by our side and also been the one to call many family member's and keep everyone updated. She came daily to the hospital after Evan's surgery, bringing him much joy to see his Mawmaw. I wanted Evan to call my parents Grandmother and Grand Daddy but Evan had his own names in mind and they are Mawmaw and Pawpaw. He loves them so much and come Mon. is excited to be going back to their home after the weekend, which he says, Daddy and Mommy's home is mine and Mawmaw and Pawpaw's home is mine too. When Eric is working late or on a hunting/fishing trip with my dad Evan and I always stay with my mom in my old room and I cannot begin to express the comfort that brings me to not have to stay alone and the ways she spoils us while we are there. She gives my baby so much love and care and we are so blessed. I could go on and on but, I cannot begin to thank you enough Mom for your friendship and support you have given me throughout my life and the love and care you now give my baby, your sweetheart. (Evan will always answer that he is mommy's baby but Mawmaw's sweetheart.) Happy Birthday Mawmaw!