Saturday, October 11, 2008

Prayer Request

We are home but, don't stop the prayers. In the hospital Evan was on Tylenol/Codeine and also Motrin. Since the day before discharge Evan begged to not take the Tylenol/Codeine and the Dr. said if he didn't like it then, not to make him take it. Evan never ran a fever in the hospital but, he was on both of these for most of his stay. Since coming home he has only had Motrin every 6 hrs. Yesterday afternoon I thought Evan felt a little warm and I checked his temp and it was 99.5. The discharge papers said not to call unless it was over 100 but... he was on Motrin. I began wondering what it would be if he was off and if I should go ahead and call. Me being the Mom that all Dr.'s love, called. Dr. said that they take into consideration the meds that they are on and with him not taking the Tylenol/Codeine that I could wait to worry and call if it went over 100.4 - to continue to the Motrin and that things are probably just fine - that he was better off here that being admitted again. I checked it several times throughout the night and it was between normal and 99.8 - I set the alarm and gave him Motrin every 6 hrs. Today has been the same but... we woke up from a nap and I looked at the clock and knew he would need Motrin in 30 min. so we were reading and I looked up and it had been an hr. I got the Motrin and checked his temp... it is 100.5. I'm debating calling but hating the thought of taking him back in and hoping there isn't anything going wrong with that little healing body of his. Since I was late on the Motrin, I'm going to wait another 30 min. and check it again and see if it went back down. Pray.


Beya said...

Still praying for your little angel. Please keep us posted on him. Hoping he is A-OK.

The Portas said...

Saying prayers for Evan right now. I sure hope that fever is nothing and you don't need to worry any more than you have. I have spent my fair share of time worrying about fevers myself, and I know it is not fun. Sending you lots of love and prayers..xooxox

Kathy said...'s Sunday is he now???
You better be glad that I don't have your phone number!

I'll keep you both in my prayers tonight.

Vanessa said...

Evan and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!! I'll be lifing him up to the Lord in hopes of a fast healing!!